Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Challenge #14: RANDOM

When you give…
Do not sound a trumpet before you…
Do not even let your left hand know what your right hand is doing that your charity may be in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will repay you.
(Matthew 6:2-4)

I love the bumper sticker phrase, “Practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty". Coined by peace activist Anne Herbert, who wrote it on a place mat at a San Fransisco restaurant in 1983, it has inspired people around the world.

It’s contagious… even fun to do. A senseless, random, no-reason-whatsoever gesture that brightens another person’s day!

Or… is there a reason? Too often we unknowingly fall victim to a very subtle form of selfishness in our charity. We give... But we give to feel good. It’s like a drug, only the high is a self-focused high of accomplishment, of being a savior. I have enjoyed the high many times… and only in retrospect have discovered my mistake.

The question is this: what if you helped someone, were kind to someone, loved someone – only they never knew it came from you? Would you still be motivated?

A good friend of mine recently stated his definition of true humility: “True humility is when you help someone else, yet at the same time make them think they helped themself”. His point? Take your self out of the picture.

With that in mind, this particular challenge will be a kind of paradox.

Challenge #14: Do something random. Something kind, and senselessly beautiful! Get creative and think of a random act of kindness. You can be intentional as to who you will bless, or you can choose someone at random. Your random act can be as simple as a kind word, or an act of service. It can be ridiculously complex and orchestrated. Just be intentional!

Here is where the paradox comes in: write about it! While on the one hand your intention is not to draw attention to yourself, to revel in the ecstacy of your self-value, it is, on the other hand, important to somehow share it with people. So I give you this admonition: guard your heart, your intentions… and then share it. I trust that you will do so.

Random kindness: Give a simple card to your janitor expressing appreciation for his work. Go buy a coffee at Starbucks, then pay for the next customer in the drivethrough (have the barista hand that customer a small note that says, “You got blessed”)! Be creative. Be bold. Be sneaky. Be random.

Live it up! Share your love! You only have a few more weeks to live!

For more ideas on your random act, go check out the following website:

Thursday’s Challenge: TRY


  1. I feel very uncomfortable writing about my random act of kindness... i feel like it defeats the purpose. but any who, i just post this all anonymous like. I have dont my usual holding doors and letting people in front of my in traffic. so thats nothing new right? i send an email to a friend who is having a hard time. I am in the process of writing hand written letters (novel idea i know) and will head out to buy my stamps later because I want to send letters to make people smile anonymously. and I am going to give blood soon. flowers may be happening later in my day too. It is a fly by the seat of my pants kind of day.

  2. Dylon
    I saw someone that didn't act like himself and normally I would never take the time of day to listen to people's problems, but today i did on several occassions. I helped them sort out his life and listen to his problems I feel like he thinks he owes me something, but I want nothing in return

  3. tonight, i'm writing all my teachers little anonymous notes. i'm gonna leave them where they can find them. way to be cliche, lauren. but i feel like they deserve them and it's pretty much all i can do on such short notice. i know how much time and effort they put into making the lessons and stuff. so yeah, i'm giving them notes. :} :)

  4. So there was this new guy at tonights church and so I talked with him jd I think you know who i'm talking about but anyway so we had a good time I dident mean for this to happen but I think I gained something a friend yay so yup

  5. well theres this girl in my class, rachel ferguson. and she always has an arizona ice tea in the morning. so tomorrow im gonna buy her an arizona ice tea and make her a copy of this cd i think shell like, bc she really into music and im going to go in early and leave it on her desk before she gets there :)

  6. On my first random act, I got caught. One of my co-workers hasn't been feeling well, and I thought I'd send her some flowers anonymously. I planned for them to arrive today, when I'm out of the office because I was afraid I couldn't keep a straight face. When she got the flowers, she guessed who sent them AND it made her cry. Not exactly the effect I was hoping for . . .

    So I'm trying again. This time, I made and sent anonymous cards to some folks that I thought could use a little appreciation or pick-me up, including my kids' teachers, a new nieghbor, and a few others. Maybe I've been stealthy enough not to get caught this time :)

  7. I like the idea of being intentional. What you take time to learn & practise will become embedded in your heart until it is second nature. Think music. Think sports. Think multiplication tables. Think thinking of others...

    Someone "random kindnessed" me without even knowing about this challenge because it was already in her heart!
    One of my students puked all over himself and the classroom. She jumped right in at mopping up all the sour, grossness on the floor. Lorna was my hero of the day!!!

  8. The wonderful and multitalented Darby FranksMarch 19, 2010 at 5:47 PM

    I'm not sure if this is what you had in mind, JD...but I'm going to do it anyway.
    My favorite 6th grade teacher (Ms. Dawson) is the leader of the Helping Hands Club at my school. A new Donation project she's started is called Mystery Friend. The idea is you buy a carnation for a $ before school and you write a card with your name and the person's name on another. The person gets the flower, but your name won't be on it. The sit for the rest of the week wondering who gave them the flower. Then when they come to their homeroom on Friday, they see your name. I thought that was perfect and I'm going to do it even though my RAK will be revealed.

  9. Yesterday i found a neighbore kids bike that was stolen a couple months ago and a carried it out of the woods and brought it back to his house he couldn't do it himself because whoever stole the bike stole the wheels and left it there

  10. i have a friend, cescar, who has been in a bad spot for a while and we havent been the best of friends lately. so today im going to send him a note telling him how great he is and how much i appreciate him for being himself, staying strong, and being my friend. :)

  11. Today at work I had $7 cash on me. I was on the headset for breakfast and was waiting for the 'right' order to pay for. Then, one person's total was $7 EXACT. I said to myself THIS is the one I want to pay for. So I did. And I didn't tell the person either. She smiled. Yay. Who doesn't want free Chick-fil-A?!

  12. Anonymous said...
    i listen to a girl problem and try 2 give advice to her

  13. The other day at lunch a kid didnt have food and i asked him why and he said he didnt have the money so i paid for a bag of chips and gave it to him and walked away


  14. i held the door open for random people at school.

  15. I helped a kid carry their stuff from their cabin at the spring retreat.
