Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Challenge #7: CLEAN

Probably one of the best feelings in the world is a hot shower after a 3-day camping trip.

It’s just a fact.

Sure, being from Montana I’m a little biased, but it’s still true! You return with sore feet, a really bad case of bed-head, and aches along the waist and shoulders from schlepping your 45-pound pack through 20 miles of alpine nothingness. Due to the fact that you’ve grown accustomed to the over-ripe smells of unbathed humanity, you can’t exactly smell yourself, which truly is a blessing. But once you finally peel the remnants of your expired clothing from your body and turn on the hot water… words simply can not describe. Honestly, I always use every drop of hot water in the house because I literally can not make my body leave the shower stall.


Ironically, as a child I hated baths. I was thankful that there was only enough energy within my parents to bathe all 5 of their children just once a week. And of course, that bath was always on Saturday night. But man, we hated that bath. We resented it, resisted it, ran from it…

We liked being dirty.

It’s a human characteristic. As a young person in today’s world, there is something intriguing, tempting, exciting about maintaining a little bit of dirtiness. It’s kind of like a good scar – something to show off and brag about.

Of course, as a young Christian this yearning doesn’t seem to change, except that we must either resist it, or… hold it in secret. Most of us earnestly desire the former, but sometimes we eventually succumb to the latter. We become keenly aware of the rules and our task becomes a little more covert – we want to play with the dirt, maybe even get a little muddy… but then hide it. Some of us hide it really, really well...

The interesting part of those Saturday night baths was this: after we finally found ourselves in the tub, and after multiple scrubbings and latherings, and after watching the water fade to a milky brown, and once we jumped from the tub and ran out of the bathroom, streaking through the living room squeaky clean… we felt great!


Clean actually feels… good.

Are you dirty? What secrets are you holding? I know “cleanliness” sounds about as fun as a Saturday night bath. But God has called us to live lives that are no longer stained by the mud of this world. Are you willing to confess it? Are you willing to give your secret sins to Him? Sure, Jesus’ grace covers your filth… but are you willing to let go of it yourself?

Challenge #7: Let it go. Rid yourself of the secrets, the spiritual espionage that has taken hold of your life. Confess your dirty secrets. Confess them to God. Write them down. Share them with each other if you can… but even if you can’t, at least send a postcard to Him with your confession. Keep it anonymous and mail it to PostSecret. Just write the following address on your postcard: PostSecret; 13345 Copper Ridge Rd.; Germantown, MD 20874.

In Romans, Paul explains to his reader, “What shall we say? Are we to continue in sin that grace might increase? May it never be! How shall we who died to sin still live in it?”

Through Jesus Christ we walk in a “newness of life”! His blood washed away our sins! But this does not give us opportunity to keep living filthy lives, always counting on His sacrifice to repeatedly cleanse us! We must choose to live differently.

Will you occasionally step in the muck? Of course. You will get dirty. You will stain your shirt, tear your jeans, get mud on your beautiful feet – and then try to hide all of it…

But trust me – it sure feels good to get clean.

If you have any thoughts on this challenge, please write them below.

Thursday's Challenge #8: SUPERHEROES


  1. I wanted to just say "Thanks!" to all the people who confessed tonight and mailed postcards... sometimes I'm blown away by the spirit of unity and openness the youth have in this ministry. It continually lifts my spirit...

  2. Oh, old softie. I really enjoyed it. Thanks for coming up with the greatest ideas.

  3. I think if people really knew all the dirt and sin in my past, then they would shun me. I'm afraid to reveal myself to the world.

  4. Soooo. I'd be really nice if challenge eight were here right now

  5. I love the verse in Psalm 25:7:
    "Remember not the sins of my youth and my rebellious ways; according to your love remember me, for you are good, O LORD."

    I did things when I was young that I am not proud of. I've asked for forgiveness and know God has forgiven and forgotten.

  6. JD last night was awesome. I forgot to tell yo once again that I am loving reading these challenges and how great of a job you are doing! Thanks for last night. As someone who is an open book, i'll answer any question thrown at me... but often i forget that i do actually have secrets.

  7. I loved watching the kids last night take it all in. It was yet another reminder of how I love this ministry. This month is such a great prelude to summer. I can't wait to see what God has in store for us next.

  8. A postcard is a great place to smear all the junk dug out of your soul. I am so thankful that we serve a God of second chances and have a Savior that paid the debt of what I just smeared all over that virtual postcard. HOW REFRESHING!!!!!!

  9. D.K.Franks, future author/singerMarch 13, 2010 at 1:57 PM

    I love a hot shower. I really do. Even if I didn't go camping. Sometimes on the weekends, when I just got some heavenly-smelling shower gel, I learned a new song by whoever, and I have the entire afternoon, I stay in the shower for a whole 30 minutes. I like the analogy you have, JD!

  10. I liked the fact that anybody could write down ANYTHING no matter what, and not have to worry about someone seeing what it said. I think it did a lot of good for not only me, but others to get things out of their system and know that someone else will read what they sent in...even though not everybody took it seriously, which made me kind of angry, but that's OK.

  11. (ididthis)
    post secret is pretty cool. i like the whole idea of it and all.

  12. I like this because you can tell god anything and get off your chest


  13. post secret so touching.

  14. Dylon
    This challenge was a great step forward for me.
