Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Challenge #6: FINGERPRINTS

We walk in a museum, walls full of the glory of God, an eternal display of awe and wonder... yet are content to look only at the carpet.

This challenge is authored by Debbra Stephens. Scroll through it, think about it, then respond with your thoughts...

What is it?

Sit in the quiet stillness of God and reflect deeply.

Challenge #6: Where are you able to see God's fingerprints? Are you able to see God's fingerprint on you? Can others notice His fingerprint impression on you?

Jesus said:

"You will know my disciples by my love."

How do you want Him to be seen in YOU today?

Write your thoughts down below.

NOTE: Tomorrow's challenge will be a little difficult. I will post an introduction to Challenge #7: CLEAN. However, the challenge will be best completed that evening, 7pm at the Partain Home in Marietta, GA. For those of you following the 1Month2Live Challenges, I will post a 2nd part later in the day to suggest how you will be able to fulfill the challenge from wherever you are.


  1. Sometimes, as strange as it sounds, I find myself focusing on a single, tiny leaf or blade of grass - completely hypnotized by the smallness of it, wondering if any other person ever noticed that one particular leaf or blade of grass... And I always talk to it as though it were God Himself, and in a way, it is. I see His fingerprints everywhere. I must admit though, I frequently forget to look for Him in the people around me, or in the man in the mirror.

  2. at times i sit and listen to the things people have said, in songs, and speeches, and poems, and what not... and i honestly feel like god is leaving a fingerprint on my brain. as if hes slowly putting the finishing touches on what i believe, and how i see things. and there are times when i look at poeple close to me and i tear up. becasue they are god staring me in the face. wether its a friend or someone more than a friedn, it neevr ceases to amaze me when someone is literally the hand and feet of jesus.

  3. When I see the sun's rays shining through the clouds, I believe it's God waving hello to me. I always wave back. It's that simple. It's like He's reminding me to look at the little things in life and appreciate them. He's saying "Hey, I'm here, I love you, don't forget."

  4. it is just so hard to imagine that god always was and he is and always will be. this gets me thinking for everything from the universe to a tiny little cell there is a creator this will change the way i look upon everything around me

  5. The hardest thing in life is finding the fingerprint of God on those that have hurt us, or are angry at us...or even our own reflection when we have behaved in a manner outside of our true character. Seeing his fingerprints on a young child, a beautiful flower, or a cute puppy is easy.

    His fingerprints are everywhere - on saints and sinners. I think He wants us to be aware of His power and presence in everything we come in contact with.

  6. Dylon
    This challenge is going to open my eyes to everything that God has created around me.This challenge will help me view things differently and change my perspective to the wonders around me and where God's fingerprints might be.

  7. when i look at the things that look likea fingerprint of God to me, i am looking at my camera or at someone else's. i'm usually looking at the beauty of the sun, whether rising or falling, a tree, leaf, flower or a person who just radiates God. this is going to help me see that he is bigger than the small things and i will be looking for them.

    - Breezy

  8. when i'm looking at what i think is a fingerprint of God, i'm usually looking at a picture. it's usually a picture of the sun, whether rising or falling, water, a flower or a person that's just raidiating God's light all around them. this has helped me realize that God is bigger than the things a see already, and i will be looking for it.

  9. Help us to love the difficult today, that we might be the fingerprint of God. So others will see the magnificent love of Christ.

  10. I see God by simply going outside. I see him in the trees, in the sun, in the sky, and the family going for a walk together. I hear him in the song of the birds and the wind in the trees. He is beautiful.
    I want to share the joy that I find from that interaction with God with others around me so that they will come to love God and join the beauty that he puts around us.

  11. I see God whenever I'm at the ocean. I see how big the ocean is and yet He's bigger than that. And how tiny all of the grains of sand are and yet He knows exactly how many there are.

    I also see God in people. Just thinking about how our minds and bodies work is just incredible and knowing that God put us together and made us in such a way that everything worked out just perfectly is just.. wow.

  12. It's easy for me to see God's fingerprints in His natural world, and I especially see His fingerprints when I see our group lifting our hearts in worship and service.

    What I struggle with is seeing God's fingerprints in certain difficult people and situations. It's hard sometimes for me to see God in people that treat me as an enemy, or in situations that are full of pain.

    Or maybe it's not that I don't see God in those people and situations, but that I really don't want to see Him there. If I admit to myself that God made my enemies, and loves them too, then I have to evaluate my treatment of them - to rethink how I respond when I'm treated with anger or hatred.

  13. I've seen God in the hearts, minds, and actions of people most would discount as trash. I recently had a conversation with a homeless man about Christianity and the actions taken by the church. Ironically, there was more compassion in this man's heart than I have ever seen or experienced in my own, much less in a church. Yet, even so, this man was and is regarded by society as trash. I think there's something that should be said involving diamonds and coal, but you get the idea.

  14. I see Him in many places. I see Him in my family, especially in the grace that my wife extends to all of us, especially to me. I see him in the beauty of the Palmetto Bible Camp property. Most of all, though, I see Him in music. Though I believe Satan has perverted many music forms (and many musicians) over the centuries, the deepest beauty I get to participate in (again, excepting my family) is in music.

  15. i see GOD in the sun coming through the clouds, and sunset, and in the trees- anytime of year- i like the full fledgedness of summer, the fall leaves, the spring blooms, and even the bare limbs of winter are beautiful. the way they twist and turn and intertwine. i see GOD in flowers, and grass, and rocks...how is THAT even possible? and all the tiny tiny things in nature that seem so useless- yet still have a purpose. GOD is an artist. have you SEEN what HE made? people too. art.
    ...this week i am painting the coffee table...but GOD's canvas is the world...dang i would love a canvas like that...then again...i am GOD's art and i am making art of my own...

  16. I see God, of course, in nature and weather because it is always surrounding us. I love summer and cannot wait for its arrival, but all this long winter I still could not help seeing how beautiful God's creations are. Even when I was driving on super icy roads going 10 MPH, I couldn't help looking out the window and marveling at all the wonders God has given us to admire. He truly is an AWESOME GOD. And I have been challenging myself lately to see everyone through God's eyes. I'm trying to look for the beautiful in everyone; we may not see it to begin with and may not believe it to be there, but everyone is beautiful and God is GREAT!
    --Rebekah Mays

  17. When I look at a science book and read about any of God’s creation, I see His fingerprints. When I read about the ways God has created our body to function and heal itself, I am amazed. When I read about how animals are suited specifically for their habitat, I am amazed. When I read about how God positioned the Earth in just the perfect way to support human life, I am amazed. It goes on and on. Every time I read a science book, I am amazed that others cannot see God in ALL of creation because His creation speaks of His very existence and His creativity.

    When I read a history book, I see God’s fingerprints. I see how He moved through history all the way from Creation until the present time. I see how He orchestrated events to be just right for the arrival of His Son. I see how He orchestrated events to spread the Gospel throughout the world. I know He is still working in today’s world to show His love to every man, woman and child, though for me it is harder to see his fingerprints in present events than in past events.

    Seeing God’s fingerprint on me, personally, is sometime a bit more difficult because of the day-to-day stuff that just seems to happen. However, I can look back through my life and see how God’s hand has worked out events in my life to bring Him glory and to bring me to Him. I hope that others CAN see God’s fingerprint impression on me.

  18. I see God in sunrises, sunsets, trees, mountains, snow, rain, flowers, ocean waves, baby birds (nesting on our front porch), my husband, my boys, babies, but mostly in friends and family that love and give unconditionally and without judgment to me and others.

  19. I couldn't find my remote for 3 days. When I finally found it, God's fingerprints were all over it...

  20. i see GOD as the waves crash on the beach... as the birds fly across the horizon, and as the sun sets. This is GOD's power and we are HIS. I need to reflect HIM in everything i do. but i need HIS help.

  21. Today...
    I saw God's fingerprints in conflict resolution -- grace offered and accepted. I saw God's fingerprints in a small boy and a BB gun. I saw God's fingerprints in provision by the Angel Food in my freezer. I saw God's fingerprints in the sound of my husband humming praises.

  22. God's fingerprints are everywhere
    Just to show how much He cares
    But in the middle He had lots of fun
    When He made a hippo that weighs a ton!!!

  23. i see God in so many things. babies, the ocean, trees, flowers, teenagers... i love to look for God in people. but, one of the things that is hardest for me is to see myself as God's artwork. it's strange that we can talk about other people and the way we see God in them, but we somehow exclude ourselves from that group of people. i pray for God to help me see his fingerprints on myself. and i pray that other people see Him in me too. i hope that they will know me by His love that is shown through me.

  24. As I think about this challenge more and more, I notice God's fingerprints in more places than i expected. Whether it is in nature, or the way I see people resolving conflicts and bringing them to church. I also see it in J.D.'s house when we turn off the lights and sing really loud.

  25. I see God in alot of places. I see him in children and in sunsets when there is a rainbow of color in the sky. I know that he is there and i can just feel him. The best part of my week though is Wednesday nights at church when we are singing. I get caught up in the moment of how amazing it is that so many teenagers can come together and sing and share about God. That is when i truly feel him there, i feel him holding my hand and keeping me safe. God is everywhere & i have learned to never forget that.

    -hannah martin

  26. I feel like I see God in so many places, One of which would be in nature. When I see an intricate pattern on a bug or insect it's just awesome. I feel like theres no way theres not a God. Or when I see babies and its just like thats a little human a little person who one day will be someone in life a doctor, an auto mechanic, a football star. But no matter who they become their still always gonna be a child of god. I really want people to see God's love through me and I pray everyday that they will.

  27. i see God everywhere. when i'm at the beach, i see God. when i'm sitting at my lake, i see and feel God. on sunny days, i see God. on rainy days, i see God. i see God in the youth group. i feel God when we worship. yeah... God's awesome.

  28. My favorite time of day is the morning. The day is young, and I find a unique reverence in nature during this time of day. The fingerprints of God change the horizon moment by moment as the day matures.
    Several years ago, God revealed the most amazing sunrise I have ever been blessed to witness. I was backpacking with some friends in the mountains along the Appalachian trail during the Memorial Day weekend. We awoke as the sky was just beginning to show signs of the sun's approach to the horizon. We positioned ourselves comfortably along a ridge overlooking a large valley sparsely blanketed with clouds below our lofty elevation. The vivid blue of the sky grew gradually brighter as the sun encroached on the peak of the mountain across the valley. Suddenly, the light from the sun popped without a sound as it broke above the crest of the mountain. Initially, the sun was a mere crumb of extreme brilliance. However, as the seconds passed, the crumb quickly morphed into a much larger morsel and within seconds was too bright to look at directly. During the next few moments the sun quickly rose and gained intensity I could comprehend as the pure Glory of God!
    God's children can be much the same in our lives. We position ourselves in the word to prepare us for the encounters God sends our way. I have come to meet many people in life that seem to pop with the vitality that only God can give. As time goes on, God brings a radiance to their life that could only be a reflection of His boundless, radiant love.
    As I experience the trails and trials of life, I pray that I can fully reflect the love that God has bestowed on all of us.

  29. I see God when, like Karen, I see rays of sun beaming through clouds. I also see it when good things come out of bad situations. But the time that I REALLY see God, is when I am at the beach, just walking, looking out at the horizon, wondering who else is out there and what they are thinking at that very moment.

  30. I see god in everybody good and bad short and tall... It is just the way everybody has their own personality. Isn't it amazing that god would take the time to give each and everyone person of the 4 billion on this planet a unique personality, Fingerprints. It is just the amazing detail god put on this planet. WOW

  31. I think i can see/have seen the fingerprints of God in two places. The first was on TransAmerica and the Rocky mountains and all of nature along the way there. Theres nothing that can describe it unless youve seen it. It screams out at me "how can you believe this is an accident?" And also, something that says the same thing to me is in my studies of physics. Its amazing how complex everything is and the laws of nature, etc., yet how everything works so fluidly and smoothly. There is just no one that it can't be Him.

  32. For me, it's easy to see God in people. i know it's probably the opposite for some people, but i'm always looking for the good in people no matter what they have done in there lives. so when i see unexpected kindness or just a stranger helping another stranger i like to think that's God. I think it's incredible knowing that God created all of us, and i've been more aware of that lately since my sister is pregnant. Just the first time i felt that baby kick, was just unbelievable, knowing that God created that baby and that i'll get to see it soon is just amazing to me.

  33. I see God's fingerprints on my nieces. as kids they are so innocent and pure and i know that because of Jesus that is how God sees us. I see Him in the medical stuff. I would sit in nursing school and be amazed at the stuff we were learning... yes some of it was boring and way over my head (not something you want to hear your nurse say right?) but there is no way that you can deny that it takes something way bigger than us to make our bodies run the way they do. the million of processes it takes... A-mazing!

  34. When I see these pictures and think of the magnificient creation that God made for us to enjoy, my heart fills with awe! And to think that we are His greatest creation! It is simply AWESOME because He is an AWESOME GOD!

  35. Woowee! LOTS O' COMMENTS! Sometimes I like to search pictures of random things, like people smiling, mountains, just random things that are...beautiful. Where I see it most is in Montana. (JD!) When we visit in the summers, and I step outside my grandparents' house or go on a drive with them, I am WOWED by how BIG and HUMUNGASOR the sky is!!!

  36. P.S: that was the FABULOUS DARBY FRANKS

  37. when i think of God's fingerprint. i think of burnt hickory. not only because they are my church, but because i feel that we are in the process of making a difference in the world and alot of the people in it. we're allowing people to see what God has given us and can give everyone else. we're showing them his fingerprint.

  38. I see God's fingerprints everywhere I go and in everyone I am with. It is wierd to think that everything we see and know about all came from one person.
