Friday, March 12, 2010

Challenge #9: SING

Shout joyfully to the Lord, all the earth!
Serve the Lord with gladness;
Come before Him with joyful singing!

It’s the instrument you take with you.

Yeah, yeah, I know – “I don’t like to sing.” Don’t worry, this challenge doesn’t require you to sing in the presence of anyone… except Him.

Throughout the history of the Bible, even the history of mankind, people have been singing. It’s another one of those things we have taken for granted – our ability to make music with a mixture of the human body and the human heart.

The thing that makes singing so special for Christians is found in Colossians 3:16.

Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you… with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God!

Just as a birthday doesn't really seem like a birthday until someone sings the song “Happy Birthday”, so too is the expression of adoration and thanksgiving we have for our Lord! There is, and always has been, something unique and special when our praise of God is lifted up to Him in music. While anyone can make a statement of praise, music finds itself rooted deep in the heart – it stirs the emotions and lights the fire in our soul.

Challenge #9: Sing a song today. Sing it in the shower, or while you are alone at your Corner. Sing with other people if you like, or plug yourself into an iPod and sing with Chris Tomlin or Steve Fee. Praise God today! Praise Him with your voice.

Just so I know that you’ve considered this challenge, write your favorite song, the song you are most likely to sing today, in the comment box below.

All you need is one song.

One heart. One mind. One body. One soul.

Saturday’s Challenge #10: FEAR


  1. I was made for this (:

  2. I don't really have a favorite song, so I will probably sing more than one, but Light the Fire is one I know I will sing today.

  3. Awesome god and No sweeter name. they are the best, along with Need To Breathe. :)

  4. I will go through my gulf coast getaway worship play list but the one song that i will definitely sing more than once today will be the revelation song... and i will cry just like i do every time.

  5. this challenge is great. i do this all the time.
    i will be singing some chris tomlin, hillsong, and david crowder. i'll probably be doing it through the halls at school too. i'm making a party out of it.

  6. I will definitely sing quite a few songs, but they will definitely include No Sweeter Name, Desert Song, and No Other Gods!

  7. The lion sleeps tonight(By They Might be giants)... I just cant listen to it

  8. Revelation Song, Voice of Truth, and East to West are the songs i will porbably sing today :) and it will be in the car porbably going somewhere with my daddy.

  9. I've had the Desert Song and No Sweeter Name in my head today so I have been singing already. Even though my voice is not great, I LOVE to sing and make a joyful noise. Thanks for this challenge.

  10. "You Never Let Go" and "Might to Save"

  11. (leslie)

    i will also be singing several songs. but definitely included will be: you say, arms of love, and the alto of magnificat

  12. I will sing songs that are not overtly Christian; Songs into which that deeper meaning is woven. I will definitely have some Rise Against and Flobots on repeat in the playlist of my mind.

  13. I love the song, "Arise!" ...and yes, "Something Beautiful" by NeedtoBreathe

  14. magnificat. no sweeter name. mighty to save.
    and a lot of others.

    these songs are always in my head. and i love them.

  15. arms of love, highest place (that one is always stuck in my head), and beautiful one.
    --Rebekah Mays

  16. I love this challenge. I love several by NeedtoBreathe, Something Beautiful, Washed by the Water, Lay Em Down. No Sweeter Name seems to always be in my head. I never sing just one.

  17. from the inside out, definitely.
    and also Breathing Blood by Oh, Sleeper. :)

  18. Definitely Healer of My Soul. I always get teary-eyed with it. I absolutely love it. Oh, and I totally took that picture of Katelyn and Hannah!!! Yay.

  19. Dylon

    Awesome God, mighty to save, you never let go, and desert song along with need to breathe and toby mac

  20. he's sweet i know.

  21. OH and here i am to worship. that one was stuck in my head all day long today.

  22. WOW! My favorite thing to do!!! I'm thankful God hears what's coming from my heart and not my lips! (I apologize to those who don't have a choice)

    Shout Hallelujah
    A New Hallelujah (by the ZOE Group)

  23. Darby Kate Franks of 56X!March 13, 2010 at 1:35 PM

    Probably Awesome God (BHYM version) or maybe Healer Of My Soul. I've been told I'm a really good singer and am constantly humming in school, so this is a GREAT CHALLENGE!! Thanks, JD!

  24. Healer of my Soul is my favorite. I sang it all day yesterday.(:

    -hannah martin

  25. How can I stop singing! Listen to 104.7 or my IPod all the time. When not, there's always a song in my head. Some days it's how I can stay positive.

  26. I seem to wake up each morning with a new song.... today:
    "You are the words and the music! You are the song that I sing. You are the melody. You are the harmony. Praise to Your name I will bring..." with kinda Jamacian accent to it! lol

    Oh, I also had to sing: "Oh, how I love Jesus, Oh, how I love Jesus, Oh, how I love Jesus, because He FIRST loved me." today when the kids were driving me C-R-A-Z-Y! It is my centering song before I go off the deep end.

  27. Probably "Never Let Go" and "All Who Are Thisty" i think thats the name, we sang it right before i got baptized and i've loved it ever since.

  28. Blessed Redeemer by Casting Crowns


  29. I LOVE this challenge. But I'll be singing several different things. The desert song, Something beautiful(Needtobreathe), Marvelous light(Charlie Hall), Held(Natalie Grant), I am Yours(Misty Edwards), And a whole bunch more.

  30. My favorute, light the fire.

  31. Sanctuary and No Sweeter Name!
