Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Challenge #27: MENTOR

“A mentor is someone who allows you to see the hope inside yourself.”
- Oprah Winfrey

I will probably never forget the day Obi Wan Kenobi died.

I was only 7 years old and I remember thinking, “What? He just gave up!?” For those of you who remember the classic scene in Star Wars (not the ridiculous prequels), Obi Wan, while in the middle of a light saber fight with the ominous Lord Vader, glances over at his fleeing apprentice, Luke Skywalker, and suddenly surrenders his saber as Vader cuts him down. This turn of events left most of the audience, including me, with pieces of popcorn stuck to our gaping mouths!

Traits of good mentorship abound in a plethora of literature, how-to books and self-help guides. People love discussing the characteristics and philosophies of mentors – both how to find a mentor, and how to be a mentor. But two examples of the mentor/mentee relationship jump out at me: Elijah/Elisha and Obi Wan/Skywalker.

The similarities abound! The prophet Elijah was directed by God. Obi Wan was directed by the Force. Elijah was led to find Elisha tending a field with oxen. Obi Wan happened to find Skywalker after he had the crap beat out of him by creepy sand people who rode on giant creatures that looked like oxen. Elijah gave Elisha a double helping of his spirit. Obi Wan gave Luke a light saber. Elijah was whisked away in a flaming chariot. Obi Wan was smacked down by a flaming saber.

Of course Elijah actually lived, as did his apprentice Elisha. But there is one similarity of both the fact and fiction of these figures that stands out – an unusual type of humility.

Both Elijah and Obi Wan were willing to allow their successors a greater legacy than their own.

Though today’s leaders enjoy the thrill of teaching and mentoring their protégés, most hope that their students do not rise above their own level of achievements. It can be downright embarrassing to have the pupil outshine the master. But Obi Wan was willing to allow his legacy to end, for his body to be destroyed in hopes that such an event would aid in the maturing of his student. Elijah granted a double portion of the Spirit to Elisha, a gift that molded the legacy of his pupil. There was no hesitation, no wondering if the apprentice would outshine the master.

That is the very kind of mentorship we need today.

What have you to offer to someone else? Would you still offer it if they not only excelled, but surpassed your own level? …if they robbed you of your glory?

Challenge #27: Share the following thoughts… Who has helped you to grow in your faith? How did that person help you? By teaching, example, or friendship? Consider also the following… To whom can you be a mentor?

Pray this simple prayer as you accept this challenge:
O Lord, make me a humble and selfless leader. Make me a double-portion mentor to a new leader of faith. Never let my own ego or quest for a legacy become a hindrance to serving others. Show me clearly when it is time for me to go. Bless my service and lead me to the fields to find my new Elisha to carry on the calling of faithful leadership. Amen.

Wednesday’s Challenge #28: MEMORIAL


  1. Well, I'm gonna have to say two people - First, Kory. He asked me to come to church with him way back when. And I just never stopped going. He's been a huge spiritual person in my life. Someone I've looked up to. He's pretty awesome.

    Second, J.D. He's always there when you really need him. Truthfully, if he didn't give me all the opportunities to go on trips as a chaperone, I probably would have stopped coming to church, But, he did, so I'm still here! He shows me how to look at things from crazy out-of-the-box perspectives and I really like that. Thanks J.D. for being such a great leader and friend. :)

  2. I have had a lot of mentors in my life.

    One of the first people to challenge me to examine my faith and see if it was my own or just inherited from my parents, was Michael. I remember being appalled that he would even think about challenging me on that, but it was the kick I needed to make changes.

    Another person who has been a mentor to me, though she probably wouldn’t see herself as such, is Debbra Stephens. When I met her 11 years ago, her faith and her excitement about Christ just overflowed and I wanted to be around her because of it. I still do.

    I am trying to be a mentor to the girls in my high school small group. I would love to see them all loving and believing Jesus and doing great things for Him that far exceed what I am doing.


  3. (Please forgive me if this is a duplicate. I posted, but the post did not show up.)

    I have been blessed with a lot of people in my life who have really cared about my spiritual walk. My parents would be the earliest of these.

    One of the first people to challenge me to examine my faith and see if it was my own or just inherited from my parents, was Michael. I remember being appalled that he would even think about challenging me on that, but it was the kick I needed to make changes.

    Another person who has been a mentor to me, though she probably wouldn’t see herself as such, is Debbra Stephens. When I met her 11 years ago, her faith and her excitement about Christ just overflowed and I wanted to be around her because of it. I still do.

    I am trying to be a mentor to the girls in my high school small group. I would love to see them all loving and believing Jesus and doing great things for Him.


  4. my mom, my dad, mrs. alicia, and j.d. have all been strong mentors in my life. my parents are the ones who obviously introduced me to christ, and took me to church every sunday and wednesday. they are strong examples of christ. i love them.

    alicia is suchanamazing person. she has a strong faith and it shows. i don't even think she knows how much she's helped me in my walk. i really love her for it.

    j.d. is so... crazy. in such a good way. his passion for the youth and activities and stuff is amazing and strong. he is a strong leader for everyone, and i'm pretty sure everyone in the world can/does get along with him. his faith is evident and he's just pretty much amazing.

  5. (leslie)

    mentors...i have a few. first: janice stroud. janice was my alicia when i was in the youth group. she was like a second mom and a friend. janice has Jesus just POURING out of her. you know how "we all sin and fall short" right? but you know how there are those people that you have a hard time believing they sin and fall short? -janice. she was a huge building block in my faith. and i miss her terribly. the older i get, the more we become like friends who share problems, and less like my other mom. and i know she wants to see me prosper beyond what she can dream up....even when i can't see that ever happening.

    my grandmother. wynelle main. she is strong, bold, beautiful, sure, and loving. she loves GOD so much. you have to know it when you meet her. there is no mistaking her love for you and for GOD and for every person in the room. when people say i remind them of her i am so so happy. she may not know it, but i look SO up to her.

    as for me mentoring...i'm trying. every day.

  6. I can't even begin to go into all of the people I consider my mentors. But I'll put the three that I think of most often. First, J.D., because I always know that he is there and I can always go to him. Second, Lynn Woosley. She has also always been there, and I can more easily contact her than J.D. Lastly Alicia, because like Lynn and J.D. she is always there, and she shows her passion like Lynn and J.D. through the work she does in the youth group.

  7. I think My aunt Kris has been my biggest mentor. She got me going to church when I was in the 8th grade. She made me look at all the think i was doing (nothing bad but I had a busy life of playing sports that came before God) and see that I could give one night to just (at the time) be with people who love God. She started there. Just making friends with the awesome people that are still in my life today and then I did the rest by learning what I could through osmosis in bible class and then active listening.

    She has shown me the kind of godly woman that exist out there. the kind of godly parent I want to be. She has been my biggest supporter and given me the quick kicks in the butt when I needed them.

    I have other people who are there to show me what I can be and to cheer for me when I am trying and failing. Like Leslie, Jannett Thompson, Janice, and Elizabeth Newlin. they are strong women who love God and continue daily to make me want to be better and strong in my faith.

  8. So many people have tried to help me and guide me on my walk with Christ, and sometimes even pulled me out of the gutter and pushed me until I was headed back in the right direction. My parents were the first. A bit later Don and Carolyn Midgett and Ophelia Spears. From Burnt Hickory and its predecessors, there were Janice Stroud, Suzann Smith, Wynelle Main, Emmalene Phillips, and Dot Landers to name just a few.

    As for paying it forward, I try to be a mentor to my children, to the girls in my small group, and to the teens and tweens in my circle of influence. I don't know if I'm effective, but I pray that God will use me to help reveal Him and His will to others.

  9. Anonymous said...
    there have been alot of people that has help me to get to where i am and i am so thankful for that

  10. I have got to say all of my friends at Burnt Hickory and my parents and grandparents and JD.
    my friends for just being great frinds, my parents helping me do the best i can do or if i have to do something hard they will always be there. My grandparents for the litle comments I over hear them say to their friends and JD for just being JD.

  11. Since I've become a member of the Burnt Hickory Youth Group, I feel as if all of most everyone has been some form of a Mentor to me. I am thankful that the youth group was so welcoming, because otherwise I don't know where I'd be. Some people who especially have been are JD and Ms. Alicia. I tell friends about church and stuff, talk to them about GOD in that way, I feel like a mentor. (:

  12. Well for me its Jd all the middle schoolers and 9th graders....... but the best mentor I have had is Tripp. My friends for just being behind me..... Jd because he helps me realize what I am at this church to do...... Tripp has just been like a big brother to me I know I can always go to him for anything.


  13. for some reason this is strangly difficult for me, theres no one person imparticular that stands out in my mind. honestly, everyone in the youth group has had an amzing impact on me even if i've never really talked to them before. just seeing the love people have for God in how they praise and how they talk makes me aspire to grow closer to Him and work harder on my relationship. so meny people have had an effect on my faith and my relationship with God and so many people right now still majorly effect me. i really don't know where i'd be without the people in my life right now and i love all of them so much!

  14. Mine is kind of like morgan's. I do not have a specific person that I think of when I think of my mentors in life. My parents have always had a strong influence on me. I mean they raised me in a Christian family and I was always asking them questions and learning from them. They are the ones that taught me how to be a Christian. But because of their great teaching and example i have grown up in a wonderful church and i have had so many people that have challenged me to grow spiritually all of the time. All of my friends loving me teaches me more about how to love people and makes me want to deepen my relationship with God so that I will learn to love even more. The parents of all of my good friends have also become like parents to me and I find myself learning so much from them everytime that we talk. I mean just last night i went over to ashley's house (ashley of course wasn't even there because she is in college) and i ended up staying there until about 11:30 having discussions with her mom about different spiritual issues. It just amazes me to see how God uses different people and situations to learn more about him and to be able to share his love with others. I try to share it everyday and become a better mentor to others but the word 'mentor' just sounds like such a special thing that i feel like i will never really achieve.

  15. I have had many mentors. My mother has been such a great mentor to me. She is the most godly woman I know. She has a servant heart and a love for Him that radiates to all that know her. My sister Donna is the most nuturing and strongest woman I know. She is capable of more than she even gives herself credit for and has the endurance and patience of Job. My grandfather was very instrumental in my life as well. I have many friends that have influenced and helped me throughout the years, but there are two that sometimes I just need to "run things by". They would be Kristi Stepenson and Jen Bloomer. I love those ladies with all my heart. As far as me mentoring, I try to develop relationships with others for the opportunities that it provides. My favorite part of coaching was the opportunity to be involved in a life of a young girl, in an awkward stage of life, that wanted so bad to be something she wasn't and encouraging her that she could be anything she wanted to be. My Mary Kay directorship is the same way, encouraging other women to be all God created them to be. Youth Ministry is a passion of mine for the same reason. I hope and pray that God gives me opportunities daily to be the mentor I desire to be. "Momma D"

  16. Dylon
    Many people have helped me learn and grow in my faith but mostly i want to thank my frienda at church(mainly keller,blake,zach,and david)who have helped me to come on the amazing trips to help me travel farhter on my spiritual journey.Also i want to thank JD and my mom who help explain things in the bible i can't comprehend.

  17. There are many people that have helped me become who I am today and that I look up to. Just to name a few...my parents and other extended family, some of my friends, Sid and Jen Bloomer, JD and Lana and of course, one of the biggest, Alicia Durden. I think she has taught me, lead by example, been a friend, a shoulder to cry on, somebody to give advice, or just listen, and I love her. I think that I can be a mentor to many people...younger kids in the church, my brother and sister, neighbors, and kids at school. At least I HOPE I am able to be a mentor to them

  18. there are many people that have helped me. there are so many teachers and mentors that i have had growing up and i hope that i could do like they have to me and help someone else.

  19. I am thankful for the heritage of faith through generations.... what a blessing it is to have Christ followers building the foundation of my life! I know some of my practices look different, but we serve the One true and Living God! I pray my children and grandchildren will be so blessed....

    My husband stretches me. He is in so many ways, my better half. I am forever learning from him... and expect I always will be! lol

    Ms. Alita Gable -- now married Carter. I miss her. I had the privilege of drinking tea, praying with & gaining from her faith and wisdom each month. I pray the Lord sends me a new woman of grace...

    And then, I realize, I am an "OLDER" woman!!! (yikes 35!) I pray that the Lord shows me how to get past busy young children youth ministry living, to choose someone to love on and pray for...

  20. Zach Durden has helped me so much at impact, by teaching me helping me through life, and by many other methods.

  21. My top 2 were probably Mrs. Elizabeth Newlin (U R the GR8est!!!) and mrs. Judi Sparks (U rock 2!!!) They both showed me that the bible is more thanlots of people thousands of years ago who had a lot of kids, saw burning bushes, spied on girls who liked to take their bath on the roof, etc., etc. It's so much deeper.

  22. there are lots of people who have helped me through my journey. people like my mom, brother, Lauren, Ezzie, Mrs. Alicia, J.D., Molly, both Mrs. Natalie and Mr. Michael, Sid Bloomer and so many more. you're all really really great, cool, amazing, and crazy (of coarse) and have helped me through multiple things whether you realize it or not. when i have problems i try to come to you or think of you. i'm really glad to have people like you all in my life. :)

  23. The first mentor i had was definitely Chad Smith. He was the first really spiritual guy i knew that was older than me but still young enough that i could relate to. He was the one who really encouraged me to be baptized.
    Secondly, my dad has been a great spiritual leader in my life. Some has been teaching, more about living than just about what the Bible says (though his teachings are obviously rooted in his faith- i guess what I'm trying to say is he didn't preach at me), but most has just been with the way he lives and the attitude he always has. He is one of the greatest Christian men I've ever observed.

  24. I also have many mentors. My parents, dad was an elder in the church when I was growing up. My in-laws, Richard and Nancy Messier. My husband Bill. Bible school teachers, Margaret Lynch, Lois Allen, Bob Wilson, Sr., Herb Dean, who married Bill and I, Paul Brown, who baptized me, Del Brock. Small group leaders & members, and friends: like Jeannie Cagle, Joy Sharp, Debbie Shepard, Elizabeth Newlin, Judi Sparks, Debbra Stephens and Becky Touchstone(co-workers), Jason Thompson, David Ellis, Sid & Jen Bloomer, Mike Sparks, JonDavid and Lana Partain, Libby Campbell, Scott Franks and Randy and Janice Stroud. I'm sure I've missed someone. It's amazing how many people have touched my life in so many ways. I hope that I can touch others in the same way. I try to mentor my boys and hope they will think of me as a good influence and mentor. I'm probably still just their mom at this point.

  25. I forgot one very important person...Stephanie Sodipo. She is truly a mentor to me. A very dear friend.
