Sunday, March 7, 2010

Challenge #4: FOOTNOTE

So this one is going to be interesting...

It’s time to be honest about your influence. How contagious is your faith? How many people around you are aware of your convictions? How often do you share your faith with those around you?

I’m not talking about preaching. Not talking about door-knocking.

I’m talking about bold, genuine faith. The fact is this: If you follow Jesus, you share Jesus. God is not interested in timid, lukewarm Christians. In Revelations Jesus states this fact to the church in Laodicea, “because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of My mouth” (Rev. 3:16).

If you have decided to follow Jesus, your example at work, school, on the football field, in the chess club, wherever – your life will radiate the love of Christ. Your life will literally look different… and people will notice. The problem is that we often become embarrassed when they notice.

Recommit yourself! Be strong in who you are! You have realized a Truth, a gift that is capable of changing the broken lives of the people around you!

Will you embrace this responsibility? Will you recommit to a mission that most of us still struggle to carry out?

Romans 10:15 says, “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”

Challenge #4: Commit yourself to the responsibility of sharing the love of Jesus Christ with the world. This is a difficult challenge. You have been made a particular way by God to touch other lives. Open up your awareness of the world. See how people need Grace… then prepare yourself to act. Commit yourself to act. If you accept this challenge, simply confess it here. Then… show us your feet. Go barefoot. The entire day.

Do you have beautiful feet? I will be the first to confess, mine are not pretty. I’ve had 19 years, 1 month and 3 days to develop beautiful feet… but they certainly are not yet beautiful. I need you to help me. Hold me accountable. I bare my ugly feet to you and ask you to do the same with each other.

We are sojourners. Let us walk together, with beautiful feet, and bring a broken, foreign land Good News…

Monday’s Challenge #5: THE CORNER

NOTE – I understand that it may seem a little strange to go barefoot while attending Sunday Morning Worship. Try not to worry about it. I have already channeled this idea through the appropriate sources at Burnt Hickory Church of Christ, and have also printed a small flyer that members will read to understand the situation. I have yet to meet an individual who feels this is inappropriate. On the contrary, everyone is quite supportive!

ALSO - Please do NOT drive a vehicle while barefoot. Please use shoes!


  1. Can't wait! Toms does a day without shoes every year, and there is no better way to get people to ask you questions than to walk up into a place without shoes on. I hope everyone takes this opportunity to share to those people you come in contact with! You will be asked to leave some places and that's okay, but try to share His story before you bolt!

    Ps- I never wear shoes while driving if I can help it

  2. iii accept. barefoot? yes please!

  3. Barefeet here i come!!!!!!!!!! :-)

  4. I confess, I will go Barefoot the whole day tomorrow.

    I'm so ready for this, It'll go perfect with my outfit :)

  5. i'm excited for this one. :)

  6. I will be barefoot! I love to look at people's feet. This will be great.

  7. Too bad we couldn't have picked a colder day to do this on. Oh wait...

  8. no shoes for me today...

  9. Father; Give us courage to bare and share. Courage as we bare these soles to share the Great News of Your Son.

  10. this should be interesting. i hope my feet don't get cold. :)

  11. Dylon
    Finally this is going to be amazing

  12. this is gonna be great! i'm very excited!

  13. Barefeet it is :)

  14. I'm barefoooooot! (:
    -Lydia Sessions.

  15. I've been sick all weekend but I will stay barefoot today.

  16. I went barefoot.

  17. went barefoooot todayyy(:

    -hannah martin.

  18. Felt funny at first leading worship barefoot, but at least the stage was warm!

  19. barefoot and loving it

  20. loved it! seeing everyone outside their comfort zone, awesome!
    Papa D

  21. Barefoot? At church? Gotta love it! It was great to see so many of us in the challenge together this morning!

    Momma D

  22. I totally enjoyed all the barefootedness at church this morning. Also, i went into Jared and JC Penny that way. :)

  23. Feet were cold, uncomfortable, dirty. Did not get kicked out of Burger King. Played a full round of disc-golf completely barefoot for the first time in my life!

  24. i loved it. also karen and danielle and i went to the tabernacle barefooteded. awesome.

  25. I didn't do it at church because I didn't know that was what the challenge was...but as soon as I figured out what the challenge is, I did it...except when I went in to Marshall's or TJMaxx or wherever it was that I went for like 20 minutes, because I thought they would kick me out. :/

  26. This challenge was a breeze for me because I go barefoot in my house all the time!
    (Forgot to comment...sorry...)

  27. Oopsie. The last post was Darby, btw.

  28. I forgot to comment on this one too, Darby. This was possibly the easiest challenge so far, as I hate shoes.

    "How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, 'Your God reigns!'" ~ Isaiah 52:7

  29. This one will be easy when i figure out a day to do it.
