Monday, March 29, 2010

Challenge #26: PRAISE

You give and take away
but my heart will truly say
Blessed be the Name of the Lord!
Blessed be His Name!

Travel back a couple thousand years and visualize a room full of friends gathered for a holiday feast. For two of them it would be their last.

Two totally different lives. One whose eyes were set on the things of this world, living to please self. The other fixed his mind on his Father in heaven. One heart heavy with guilt, held tight in sins' grasp. The other filled with confidence, joy, and an awareness of God's presence.

The celebration continues as they head out into the night. As Jesus walks across a valley to a garden where he will be betrayed and arrested, he sings praises to God. He knows God is in control and can be completely trusted. Although Jesus knows he's headed to the cross, he also knows he doesn't walk alone.

It's a real challenge to praise God when times are really tough. But when we lift our eyes to God and pour out our hearts in praise, he builds our faith. He reminds us He is always worthy of praise. He reminds us he is bigger than any difficulty we face.

The challenge for today is to write a psalm of praise to God. Post just one line of it in the comment box. (If you'd like some help, you can check out Psalm 113-118, known as the Hallel. These likely are the Psalms Jesus sang during the Passover meal.)

Revisit our valley scene. Two men. Two views. One saw how great his mess. One saw how great his God. Which one had strength enough to face and conquer his challenge?

(A special thanks to Debbra Stephens for her contributions during this project! Debbra, I love your heart!)

Next Challenge #27: MENTOR


  1. All praise be to our God,
    the Great Author,
    creative and wise.

    He filled the great void with magnificent beauty and authored all of creation by His spoken word.

    He authors history – past, present, and future – with thrills and brilliance beyond compare.

    He donned the robes of flesh and wrote Himself into the story of mankind – rewriting the final act.

    And He authors the story of my life, weaving it intricately into the lives of others. Writing my name upon His family album and editing out all my sins. He continues to write His saving, living words of salvation upon my heart.

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  4. I'm not very good at this, but here goes . . .

    Praise the Lord, for He brings light into darkness. He causes the earth to turn and the seasons to change. He opens His hand, and light fills the earth, awakening the world from winter’s slumber. Rising from sleep, the birds praise Him with their song and the trees offer a sacrifice of new leaves.

    Praise the Lord, for He brings light into darkness. He causes the sun to rise and set. He opens my eyes, and light fills my sight, awakening me from evening’s slumber. Awakening, I praise Him for the beauty of His creation.

    Praise the Lord, for He brings light into darkness. He offers salvation born of His great love and mercy. He opens my mind, and The Light fills my heart, renewing my soul. Reborn, I praise His mercy and offer the sacrifice of my life.

  5. Why do You love me?
    Lord, what have i done?
    You bless me with more than I deserve.
    You never cease to amaze me.
    i reject you. disown you. and worship myself.
    You never give up.
    i hate. i sin. and take Your love for granted.
    Your grace covers ALL.

    Lord, i could never thank You enough for all that You have done.
    Even in my darkest night You held me close.
    You never let go.

    i don't deserve your love.
    i never could.
    But You have given me what i could never repay.
    and that is the beauty of Your love.

  6. Glory be to God the Father, glory be to Christ the Son the one that shines when all else is dark.
    sorry it's so short but i have to leave.

  7. As the warmth of Spring causes nature to spring to life, You are glorified by your wondrous handiwork.
    As your children are warmed by your love, we also Spring to life as Your wondrous handiwork to bring you Glory!

  8. I have no idea what to write, but i will write one, and i will post it soon. I promise.

  9. Dylon
    You have created all in this world
    From the star filled skies to the miniscule creatures on this Earth.
    They help us grow in our faith and realize how powerful you are
    Praise to you because we are here
    You are the almighty and the everlasting
    You give us purpose to live our lives
    Our God is awesome and thats how it should be

  10. Darby franks, future poetApril 2, 2010 at 10:22 PM

    This one is called "Walls." Here goes...

    I feel a tug inside my gut.
    Perhaps you have called me?
    But God, what am I supposed to do?
    Where did you put my calling?

    I know now where my place is,
    But how do I begin?
    There are walls that hold me back-
    God, I just can't win!

    Well, maybe I can't win alone,
    But what if you helped me?
    If you can move the mountains,
    you can probably help me!

    Although the walls and barriers
    Of life stand in your way,
    With God, all things are possible,
    No matter whae They say.

    They are one of the many things
    That make most turn away.
    The Theys make life uncomfortable,
    And from the Path they stray.

    But some do break the barrier
    But never beat the Theys.
    They were never conquerable,
    Not even in Jesus's day.

    But if He can move the mountains
    And make the rivers flow,
    He has great things in store for you,
    But YOU may never know...

    I hope you liked it.
