Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Challenge #21: IGNITE

Life is a romantic business. It is painting a picture, not doing a sum.
But you have to make the romance, and it will come to the question of how much fire you have in your belly.
- Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.

In the ridiculous 1981 sci-fi movie, Quest for Fire, cavemen tribes establish a rough tribal hierarchy based on a tribe’s ability to produce fire. Some tribes would be fortunate enough to find a natural fire and would then collect and transport burning coals with them everywhere they wandered, lugging the smoldering embers in a leather pouch. Other tribes discovered the formula of rubbing sticks together, with wads of dry grass ready to ignite. It’s a terrible movie (though critics liked it), but illustrates an interesting dilemma – one that we struggle with today:

How do you start a fire?

As a youth minister I experience this quandary all the time. I believe that most people want to be close to God – they want to feel His presence, see His providence, follow His calling. They want the fire. The passion. The conviction. The faith.

But… how do we get it? How do we ignite the flame within? It pains me to watch students walk through life, go to church, school, home… with nothing but a cold emptiness. It excites me when they find it, when somehow, somewhere, some way the Spirit has decided to rub the sticks together and ignite the long-absent flame. There is a noticeable increase in fervor, in the volume of praise, in courage renewed. And it’s contagious! Baptisms abound. Confessions are poured forth. A mosh pit of celebration is created for God’s Grace!

And then… after a while, it wanes. The flames die down, begin to sputter…

And eventually go out.


How? What happened? How can we get it back? Who has the formula? Should we travel to another tribe’s fire and take their flame? Would they share it?

Peter – the guy who denied Jesus three times – teaches a very bold, out-of-character sermon in Acts 2. He probably has no idea how the people he is speaking to will react, but Luke (the author of Acts) writes that the people were “pierced to the heart”. Immediately upon hearing the Gospel, they ask “What shall we do?” to which Peter replies, “Repent! And let each of you be baptized…”

They ignite. A flame is produced and a wildfire of conviction sweeps through the town. Luke writes that “everyone kept feeling a sense of awe” and that “day by day they continued with one mind… taking their meals together with gladness and sincerity of heart."

It is my opinion that the kindling for a spiritual fire is repentance. It is my opinion that the Spirit reacts to a penitent heart, a sincere remorse for the evil we have chosen.

Jesus speaks to John in a Revelation about the judgment of various churches. His message to most of these churches is to repent, to turn from wicked paths. To the church in Ephesus He gives much praise, but also says, “I have this against you, that you have left your first love. Remember therefore from where you have fallen, and repent and do the deeds you did at first…”

Challenge #21: Rebuild the fire within. Remember your First Love, and repent of your wicked ways. Let your penitent heart be the kindling for future fire… Then pray that the Spirit will re-ignite the flame!

This is a difficult challenge. There are no guarantees, because so much depends on the human heart and the sovereignty of God. Realize, however, that God has always told us,

“…if My people humble themselves and pray,
and seek My face
and turn from their wicked ways,
then I will hear from heaven,
will forgive their sin,
and will heal their land.”
(2 Chronicles 7:13-14)

Thursday’s Challenge #22: VANDALIZE


  1. i don't know about anyone else but i just really loved tonight.

  2. So, what was everyone's "takeaway" from tonight?

  3. We are responsible for asking God to keep His spirit vibrant within us, and for constantly seeking His face. If we do, He will draw us back to Him, even in seasons of doubt and discouragement. "A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out." ~ Isaiah 42:3

  4. last night was amazing. i feel like we made God happy and we did have the holy spirit with us. i feel like that most wednesdays, but this time, i felt it in my gut. it was great. :)

  5. last night was just so fun to be with friends and also have time with God

  6. Dylon
    My fire is burning like no other last night was awesome.

  7. Dylon sums it up

  8. Some of the easiest times to reignite ourselves is on trips; theres just something about getting away from the routine that distracts us and reconnecting with God. The reason why i dont get to experience this through the spring retreat is because i get to go on a college tour/mission trip with my school this upcoming weekend and beginning of next week. This is different, not being with the youth group, but i feel like it is a great opportunity to relight the fire within me for God.

    That being said I do need to make it clear that these trips should not be the only times we try to get close to God. That is not Christianity. But rather, the opportunities that come along are an easy way to go about it, but we must not settle to live from retreat to retreat, mission trip to mission trip.

  9. Very well put, Davis. I always come home from the major spiritual events feeling that my spirit has been rekindled. But its up to me to keep on fanning the flame with a spiritual fervor and intensity that is fueled by God's love.
    Early in life I realized that when I was camping, I would work to gather firewood to build a fire to get warmed. The warmth came to me from the gathering of the fuel for the fire and I was warmed from the exertion of the gathering. That is a physical warmth that is much like the spiritual warmth I experience when I gather the spiritual fuel for my internal fire.
    I find this very challenging, but at the same time invigorating to know that all I have to do is keep my focus on Jesus! He just keeps stoking my FIRE!!!

  10. Well, This seems to be a hard one for me. I have to humble myself enough to find that "feeling" God put inside of me what seems like a long time ago. But, I'm going to find it. I will.

  11. So I started a journal to God. I write to him and thank him, ask him, tell him things I am feeling. It feels really good. I love to write. I love seeing my words to God in front of me. I can go back and read what I told him. Asked him. Thanked him for. It's fantastic.

  12. I loved that evening as well. Karen I did started doing the same a couple months back.

  13. This was an amazing challenge, it really made me think.

    -hannah martin

  14. Anonymous said...
    This was a great challenge

  15. I like the challenge alot and it made think especially when we were singing around the fire.

  16. I started it before this challenge, but I've been flipping through my bible looking for Journal sections. They lay out an entry for you to do in a journal, and I've been trying to do 1 a day. It's actually really helped me figure out how to pray.
